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What We Do




Breaking the stigma around mental health through education and vulnerability.

Help create a generational change by being transparent for others to see they are not alone.

Are you ready to find, love, and accept yourself but don't have the resources to get the help you need? Apply for a scholarship to fund your help today.

Why We Do It

Break The Stigma so mental health becomes a daily conversation

Empower others to find, love, and accept themselves so they know they are more than their struggles

Educate people about mental health so our loved ones understand us better

Provide scholarship funds for treatment before they become memorial funds 


Our founder, Christian Beadles, is available to speak at your organization about the story of his struggles with mental health, addiction, trauma, and the resources that brought him healing.

Join the Movement

There are many ways you can join our movement and help break the stigma of mental health. In addition to sharing your story, or making donations to the Marcus Fund, you can be a champion in your local community.


Individuals within the community who feel passionately about our mission. These are individuals who embody and live our values of Acceptance and Inclusivity, Authenticity and Honesty, Courage, Resiliency, and Respect; individuals who want to get involved, carry the message, create local support groups, and speak out about the movement. Our Ambassadors give us invaluable feedback so we can continue evolving, growing, and best serving the needs of those we are here to help. 


Help Ambassadors in community outreach. As a volunteer, you can organize a local fundraising activity, carry the message to your network of family, friends, and colleagues and stay connected with new developments and initiatives of the I Am More Movement.


If you have an idea, an event, or an initiative you’d like to collaborate on with I Am More, we would love to hear from you! Please share any and all ideas you have about how we can continue raising funds for our needs-based scholarships. 

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We need each of you to help support our movement. You matter. You are needed. You can make a difference. Any contribution or support you can offer will help change the lives of individuals struggling with mental health, addictions, and trauma. 


If you have any ideas on how you might like to get involved please reach out to us through email!  

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