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Share Your Story

In order to heal and break free from the pain inside, we need to share our story with another human being. We need to be heard, listen to others, and be a part of a community. 


Sharing our life stories is one of the best ways for others to relate and know that they are not alone in their struggles. Through your vulnerability, others will see that there are other people going through the same experiences as them and get the chance to find hope in your journey. It is not only beneficial for others but is also highly therapeutic for the person sharing their story. This approach allows you to construct a storyline for your experiences and understand them better, ultimately allowing you to find meaning and identity.


By sharing your story with our community, you will find yourself embraced into a safe, supportive group of people who are going through similar experiences. The details of our stories may be different, but the emotions felt, the internal dialogue, the fears, the hopes, and the experiences, are the same. 


I Am More values and emphasizes the values of Acceptance and Inclusivity, Authenticity and Honesty, Courage, Resiliency, and Respect, and it is your decision whether you want to share your story with the intention of it being shared publicly on our website or not.  


I Am More seeks to cultivate community, connection, and the potential to recover together. Sharing our stories with one another is a huge, courageous step toward the path to healing, and we applaud your bravery in taking this step. We would love to hear from you, learn more about who you are and what your experience has been, and support you in taking the step forward into realizing YOU are MORE than… 

Thank you for sharing your story with us!

Write Your Story

Record Your Story

If you are willing to record a video of you telling your story so that others can see that they are not alone in whatever they are going through... please email us at

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