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Our Mission

I Am More Movement is a 501(c)(3) organization focused on this one thought - I AM MORE! I am more than labels. I am more than what my mind and others tell me I am. I am more than an addiction. I am more than a mental illness. I am more than a product of my past." We want to start a generational change by allowing our lives to be transparent for others to see they are not alone. We want to break the stigma around mental health and encourage vulnerability. To make it a conversation around the world to show each other that we all struggle in some way. We want to empower others to find, love, and accept who they are so they can find their purpose and live a life worth living. No longer should we place labels and limits on ourselves. I Am More Movement is showing others a roadmap to navigate from trauma to healing, addiction to freedom, self-harm to self-love, pain to peace, and suicide to life, all by finding, loving, and accepting ourselves. There is hope for your future, and we will encourage and teach you to keep moving forward in this journey called life.



Our Vision

Our vision is to connect the world through sharing our stories, celebrating triumphs, and offering support through our tribulations. We are committed to raising awareness around mental health and providing support to those in need. We are committed to speaking our truth, sharing our experience, helping others find, love, and accept themselves, and (re)discovering we are more than our struggles.

Our Values

Acceptance & Inclusivity

We accept everyone and value inclusivity. Regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation, we are all human. We practice non-judgemental acceptance and focus on our similarities rather than our differences. We offer each other grace, compassion, and support.


Authenticity & Honesty

I Am More strives to offer a safe space and platform for individuals to discover and share their Authentic Selves — their True Selves, and to speak honestly without fear of rejection, ridicule, or judgment. We celebrate each other’s authenticity.



Acknowledging our struggles, sharing our stories, and being vulnerable is not always easy. It takes courage to step into discomfort, to be vulnerable, and to speak our truth.



Resiliency is not about how quickly we can bounce back to the person we were before the trauma, the diagnosis, the addiction, or whatever “it” was. 

Resiliency — at I Am More — is focused on:

—Our ability to lean into the discomfort

—Maintain hope and belief in each other, in ourselves, and in our movement

—Continue to serve our communities and remain committed to our mission despite challenges we may encounter

—Standing up for what we believe in and what we know to be true - time and time again.



Respect for each other’s differences, struggles, and stories is critical. Alone we cannot break the stigma of mental health, together we can. Respect is at the foundation of our values. In order to accept and be inclusive, to share authentically and honestly, and to be courageous and resilient, we must have respect for each other.

Christian's Story

Since the age of twelve, I have struggled with mental illness. At the time I didn’t know it was mental illness - all I knew was that I didn’t want to feel what I felt, or think what I thought. I felt anxious, fearful, unsafe in my own body, and as if I couldn’t trust myself or anyone else.


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