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Breaking the Stigma Around Mental Health


Breaking the stigma around mental health through education and vulnerability.


Help create a generational change by being transparent for others to see they are not alone.


Are you ready to find, love, and accept yourself but don't have the resources to get the help you need? Apply for a scholarship to fund your help today.

In Honor of

Marcus Carl Antonio

I Am More Movement strongly believes that as we show others they are more than they believe, there’s still something essential missing in how the world views mental health.  


We believe more can be done to teach others about mental health and the way toward healing is through sharing our stories with one another.

Share Your Story

Need a safe, non-judgmental, and accepting space to talk about something going on in your life? Want to share your story so others can know they are not alone? You found it. Share your pain and struggles with us. You do not have to carry it alone.

Break The Stigma

Support others in their journey to find, love, and accept themselves while breaking the stigma around mental health.


Donate to I Am More!

100% of your donation will go towards the cost of treatment, therapy, and medications for those who cannot afford them.

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Christian's Story

Since the age of twelve, I have struggled with mental illness. At the time, I didn’t know it was mental illness - all I knew was that I didn’t want to feel what I felt or think what I thought. I felt anxious, fearful, unsafe in my own body, and as if I couldn’t trust myself or anyone else.


Where Your Money Goes

When you donate to I Am More, 100% of your donation will go toward breaking the stigma around mental health through education and vulnerability, helping people find, love, and accept themselves.


When you sponsor a scholarship, 100% of your donation will go toward the Marcus fund, a scholarship toward treatment and therapy for those who do not have the resources available to them.

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